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Antineoplastic Agents


  • Genetic pleomorphisms (pharmacogenomics) affect drug metabolism and hence degree of toxicity. Hence dose adjustments are needed during therapy.
  • In most of the institutes for obese patients, BSA is calculated after taking into account “ideal body weight” as weight of the patient. Also sometimes, BSA is capped at 2m2. But several studies have shown that, there is no increased risk of short term or long term toxicity, in obese patients who have received full weight based doses. In fact, lowering the doses leads to higher chances of treatment failure.
  • Side effects: 
    • Pancytopenia due to bone marrow suppression with nadir on 7th day (Give GCSF/transfusions as required)
    • Vomiting (Give Ondansetron)
    • Gastritis (Give antacids)
    • Mucositis (Give Chlorhexidine mouth wash)
    • Thrombophlebitis/ extravasation injury (Administer chemo through central line)
    • Alopecia (Reassure)
    • Possible infertility (sperm preservation if necessary)
    • Highly teratogenic (UPT prior to starting any chemo and avoid pregnancy during therapy)
    • Secreted in breast bilk (So breast feeding should be avoided)
    • Tumour lysis during 1st chemo
  • Chemotherapy should be given as close as possible to their maximum individual doses and should be given as frequently as possible to avoid tumorregrowth. G-CSF may be given to hasten the recovery, so that chemotherapy can be given on time.
  • Each cycle kills nearly 99% of cells. Repeat cycles are necessary to eradicate alltumor cells.
  • Combination chemotherapy is given, as it takes care of cells that develop resistance against one agent.
  • Most of the drugs act on cells which are in S phase of mitosis. Hence tumors with high proliferative activity are highly sensitive to chemotherapy.
  • Normal tissues which proliferate faster are also affected (Ex: Bone marrow, hair follicle, intestinal epithelium etc)
  • Following factors must be taken intoconsideration while choosing drug regimens for patients
    • Renal and hepatic function
    • Bone marrow reserve
    • General performance status
    • Concurrent medical problems
  • All chemo to be given in glass bottles/ Baxter pouches
  • Avoid chemotherapy if there is active infection
  • Avoid chemotherapy if there is history of serious hypersensitivity


Alkylating Agents:








 CyclophosphamideDepends on protocol ---Hepatic correction, renal correction, W/F- Hemorrhagic cystitis (Acrolein), SIADH, For doses >1gm/m2- Hydration- NS 100ml/m2 for 24 hrs with Mesna- 1-1.5 x dose divided into 3 doses (0, 4 and 8 hrs).
Give early in the day. Advice to drink plenty of fluids and empty bladder frequently
 Ifosfamide Depends on protocol  W/F Neurotoxicity (Altered mental status leading to coma), can cause renal tubular damage, Can casue hemorrhagic cystitis, hence hydration with 60% of total dose mesna has to be given in 3 divided doses (0, 4, 8hrs)
 Chlorambucil 0.1-0.2mg/kg/day  --- Adjust doses to maintain ANC/PL in acceptable limits
 MelphalanDepends on protocol  Monitor CBC,Use with caution in renal impairment, cytopenia
 BusulfanDepends on protocol  For very high doses (BMT) use prophylactic anticonvulsants, In high doses can cause veno occlusive disease
 DacrabazineDepends on protocol --- Renal correction, monitor CBC, LFT, W/F flu like symptoms
 BendamustineDepends on protocol ---Renal, hepatic and hematological correction 










 Methotrexate Depends on protocol --- Renal correction, hepatic correction, 
If there is pleural effusion or ascites, drug gets stored in fluid. Later it is released in circulation causing prolonged toxicity.
Stop folic acid/ septran/ allopurinol/ pentids/ phenytoin before high dose MTX, For HD MTX- hydration, I/O monitoring, folinic acid rescue, Urine pH monitoring
 6-Mercaptopurine Depends on protocol --- Take in evening on empty stomach, avoid milk products after lunch,  monitor CBC, LFT, Uric acid, W/F drug induced fever and rash, If TPMT mutation decrease the dose
 Azathioprine 1-2mg/kg-OD >12years- 1-2mg/kg- OD Monitor CBC, LFT
 Fludarabine Depends on protocol  Renal correction, Irradiated blood products, PCP, HSV prophylaxis, W/F- AIHA, cytopenia, CMV reactivation
 Cladiribine Depends on protocol  Monitor LFT, RFT, Irradiated blood products
 Cytarabine Depends on protocol  Hepatic correction, Monitor CBC, LFT, RFT. Avoid if ANC <1000/cmm and PL <50,000. W/F Cytosine fever, rash
For HIDac- Use steroid eye drops, W/E cerebellartoxicity, oral/anal inflammation


Vinca alkaloids:








 Vincristine Depends on protocol  Maximum dose 2mg, Hepatic correction, W/F- Peripheral neuropathy, constipation, Jaw pain, SIADH, Cranial nerve palsy.
Accidental IT administration is lethal.
 Vinblastine Depends on protocol  










 Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) Depends on protocol Start only if Echo- EF- >40%,  Hepatic correction, Lifetime dose <550mg/m2, Monitor CBC, LFT, W/F- CCF, Arrythmia, Can cause red urine
 Daunorubicin Depends on protocol Start only if Echo- EF- >40%, Light protection of bottle and tubings, hepatic correction, renal correction, Life time dose <550mg/m2, Monitor RFT, LFT, Nail pigmentation, Can cause red urine
 Mitoxantrone Depends on protocol Start only if Echo- EF- >40%, Life time dose <140mg/m2, Monitor ANC


Tyrosine kinase inhibitors: (Adverse effects common to all TKI- Rash, nausea, edema, fatigue, myalgias, arthralgias)








 Imatinib400mg- OD 

 Take with meals with large glass of water,
Hematological toxicity
Hold if ANC <1,000/cmm or Platelet count <50,000/cmm and restart at dose of 400mg-OD once ANC >1500/cmm and platelet count >75,000/cmm.
If same thing recurs, hold again till same time and restart at 300mg-OD. G-CSF may be used if required.
Hold if Bilirubin>3xULN or AST/ALT >5xULN- Restart after normalization at reduced dose (300mg OD)
Renal correction
Hold if severe fluid retention and use diuretics, supportive care.

Can cause Nausea, periorbitaledema, rash, myalgia, headache, bone pain, fluid retention, hair repigmentation, muscle cramps, diarrhea

 Nilotinib 300mg- BD 

 Avoid food 2 hrs before and 1 hr after, W/F QTc prolongation, Hold if QTc>480msec.
Can cause Hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia. So monitor regularly.

Monitor BP, as hypertension is common.
Hold if hepatic derangement and consider alternate therapies.
Hold if ANC <1000 or Platelet- <50,000/cmm, resume at same dose once counts recover (ANC>1000 and PL>50K) within 2 weeks. Restart at reduced dose (400mg-OD) if recovery takes >2 weeks. 
Can cause coronary artery disease and rarely peripheral arterial occlusive disease.
Can cause pancreatitis.
Can cause hyperglycemia. Monitor sugars.

 Dasatinib100mg- OD for CML CP 
70mg- BD- For Advanced CML disease

Avoid if patient has previous pleuro-pulmonary or pericardial diseases. 
If pulmonary arterial hypertension develops, discontinue permanently. 
Fluid retention/Pleural effusion/ Pericardial effusion  to be treated with diuretics and supportive treatment +/- Prednisolone 40mg for 4 days, then 20mg for 4 days. When resolved reduce the dose (50mg-OD). 

Monitor BP, as hypertension is common.
Take medicine with meals. 
For rash use topical/ systemic steroids.
Hematological toxicity: Hold if ANC <1000/cmm or PL count <50,000/cmm. Resume at same dose if recovery (ANC >1000/cmm and PL count >50,000) occurs within 1 week. If it takes longer time, restart at lower dose (80mgOD). If same episode recurs reduce the dose to 50mg-OD.
Can use growth factors if needed.

Causes QTc prolongation

Can cause platelet dysfunction 

 Bosutinib 400mg- OD as first line and 500mg- OD as second line 

Hematological toxicity: Hold if ANC <1000/cmm or PL count <50,000/cmm. Resume at same dose if recovery (ANC >1000/cmm and PL count >50,000) occurs within 1 week. If it takes longer time, restart at lower dose (300mg-OD). 
Hepatic correction needed. If preexisting hepatic disease start at a dose of 200mg-OD.
Hold if there is severe diarrhea and resume at 400mg-OD
Fluid retension use diuretics and supportive care. Take medication with meal and large glass of water. Use topical or systemic steroids for rash.

Hypertension is common.

May cause pancreatitis

PonatinibStart with 45mg- OD, Decrease dose to 15mg-OD once IS is <1%. (For CMP AP/BC: Continue 45mg/day) 

Hematological toxicity: Hold if ANC <1,000/cmm or Platelet count <50,000/cmm and restart at dose of 300mg-OD once ANC >1500/cmm and platelet count >75,000/cmm.
If same thing recurs, hold again till same time and restart at 15mg-OD. 

If same thing recurs, hold again till same time and restart at 10mg-OD. 

If same thing recurs, discontinue.  

G-CSF may be used if required.

Discontinue if patient develops, arterial occlusive events/ heart failure/ symptomatic pancreatitis

W/F Hypertension

Avoid with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors

Asciminib  Refer CML section


Anti-myeloma medications:







 Bortezomib Depends on protocol  W/F Cytopenia, peripheral neuropathy, diarrhea,  no green tea, Can cause hyperbilirubinemia, Aciclovir prophylaxis is must 
 Lenalidomide Depends on protocol Severe teratogenicity (phacomalia)- Avoid pregnancy (Use 2 contraceptive methods)
 Renal correction, Monitor LFT, RFT, CBC. Hold if ANC <500, PL<30,000. Reatsrt at decreased dose 
Aspirin as DVT prophylaxis
 Thalidomide Depends on protocol  Severe teratogenicity (phacomalia)- Avoid pregnancy (Use 2 contraceptive methods)
Take with water 1 hr after food at night.
Monitor CBC- Hold of ANC<750
W/F- Somnolense, peripheral neuropathy, constipation, DVT/PE
Aspirin to be given as DVT prophylaxis


Monoclonal antibodies:








 Rituximab Depends on protocol Can cause serious allergic reactions,  Premedicate with Methylprednisolone, Avil and Paracetamol. First 100mg over 1hr, if no reaction rest over 4-5hrs.
Monitor during infusion
Check HBsAg status- If positive start HBV treatment, Monitor HBV DNA once in 2 months 
Obinutuzumab1000mg- IV.  

(Premedicate with Avil and hydrocort, Give 100mg in 100ml NS over 1hr, if no reaction, add remaining 900mg in 250ml NS and infuse over 2 hrs)

In case of infusion related reaction: If mild, hold infusion, treat and resume. If severe, Permanently discontinue.

Common SE: Tumor lysis syndrome, Cytopenia

Check HBsAg status- If positive start HBV treatment, Monitor HBV DNA once in 2 months 


Hypomethylating agents:








 Decitabine Depends on protocol  Monitor CBC, W/H or decrease dose if cytopenia, monitor K, Mg, Na, LFT, RFT
 5-Azacytidine Depends on protocol  Monitor CBC, W/H or decrease dose if cytopenia, monitor K, Mg, Na, LFT, RFT










 Etoposide Depends on protocol  Monitor CBC, LFT, RFT, W/F- Hypotension (slow down infusion rate), W/F Peripheral neuropathy, Hold if ANC<500, PL<50k
High toxicity in patients with low albumin
 Bleomycin Depends on protocol  Renal correction, Start only if PFT is normal, 
Can cause interstitial pneumonitis followed by pulmonary fibrosis,
Lifetime dose <400units/m2, W/F- Rash, arrythmia, Contraindicated with Brentuximab
No marrow toxicity
 Hydroxyurea Depends on protocol  Titrate dose base on ANC, Monitor RFT, Stop if TLC <2k/ PL<1lac, 
W/F skin ulcer
 L-Asparaginase Depends on protocol 

 Monitor CBC, LFT, BSL, 
Has to be given 12 hrs after vincristine.
W/F Pancreatitis, DVT, Anaphylaxis. Premedicate with Avil
Decreases clotting factors, protein C and antithrombin III- Hence some centers give plasma along with L-Asparaginase especially if there is additional risk of thrombosis.
If pancreatitis (Symptoms +increased Amylase/Lipase) -permanently discontinue.

If VTE, further doses must be administered under cover of therapeutic/ prophylactic anticoagulation.
If severe allergic reaction- use peg-L-asparginase
Do not continue same preparation under cover of steroids/avil, as it only leads loss of its efficacy by formed antibodies.
Hyperdiploid ALL is highly sensitive, where as Ph+ve are resistant.

 Carboplatin Depends on protocol  Renal correction, Cytopenia, W/F- Ototoxicity, neuropathy
 Cisplatin   Needs hyper hydration. Monitor renal functions
Gemcitabine Depends on protocol  Monitor LFT, CBC, RFT, W/F- Hematuria, Contraindicated with radiotherapy
ATRA Depends on protocol  W/F- Differentiation syndrome (Management in APML section),
Pseudotumor cerebri
Causes dry skin, cheilitis, arthralgia
 Arsenic trioxide Depends on protocol  W/F- Differentiation syndrome (Management in APML section), Monitor ECG for QTc prolongation (<500msec), Correct hypokalaemia and hypomagnesemia
Contraindicated along with artemether, cisapride, erythromycin, nilotinib, amiodarone, amitriptyline, azithromycin, azole antifungals, quinolones
 Ibrutinib CLL- 420mg-OD-PO
MCL- 560mg-OD-PO
 W/F Initial lymphocytosis (nothing needs to be done), Bleeding (Mech not known), New onset atrial fibrillation, hypertension
Avoid with CYP3A inducers/inhibitors

No dose changes necessary for mild-moderate renal/ hepatic impairment

Common SE (hold treatment as necessary): Anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, headache, diarrhea, fatigue, myalgia, bruising/ serious hemorrhage, nausea, constipation

Hold 3-7 days prior to surgery

Consider anti-infective prophylaxis in view of serious infective complications

W/F Atrial fibrillation

Avoid co-administration of CYP3A inhibitors and PPI/ other antacids.

 Ruxolitinib Start with 5mg BD and then gradually increase to 20mg- BD (Increase dose once in 4 weeks) Needs dose adjustments for hematological toxicity.
Monitor lipid levels monthly and treatment of hyperlipidemia if seen.
Needs renal and hepatic dose correction.
High risk of opportunistic infections including TB, VZV and hepatitis B reactivation.
Discontinue if there no response or improvement (<50% decrease in spleen size/ persistent symptoms) after 6 months of therapy. When discontinuing, taper and stop.
Luspatercept1mg/kg- SC- Once in 3 weeks 

If still transfusion dependent after 2 doses, increase dose to 1.33 mg/kg- SC- Once in 3 weeks

If still transfusion dependent after 2 doses, increase dose to 1.75 mg/kg- SC- Once in 3 weeks

If still transfusion dependent after 3 doses- Stop

Hold if Hb >11gm/dL

If rise in Hb is >2gm/dL within 3 weeks reduce dose.

  • Current dose is 1.75 mg/kg: Reduce to 1.33 mg/kg
  • Current dose is 1.33 mg/kg: Reduce to 1 mg/kg
  • Current dose is 1 mg/kg: Reduce to 0.8 mg/kg
  • Current dose is 0.8 mg/kg: Reduce to 0.6 mg/kg
  • Current dose is 0.6 mg/kg: Discontinue treatment

Stop if severe hypersensitivity reactions. Avoid in pregnant/ during breast feeding.

No dose adjustments needed for renal/ hepatic impairment

Common side effects: Rise in bilirubin, transaminitis,  headache, musculoskeletal/ bone pain, arthralgia, fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, diszziness, hypertension

Brentuximab vedotin

Upfront (with AVD): 1.2mg/Kg-IV-Once in 2 weeks

Relapsed  HL/ Post ASCT/ALCL consolidation: 1.8mg/Kg-IV- Once in 3 weeks


Avoid if creat clearance <30mL/min. More than this, use same dose.

Avoid if Child Pugh B or C. For Child Pugh A, use same dose.

Neuropathy: Grade 2/3- Hold until improvement and restart at same dose. Grade 4- Discontinue

Neutropenia: Use G-CSF, Hold until recovery. If recurrent, discontinue.

Contraindicated with bleomycin (Severe pulmonary toxicity)

Common SE: Anemia, neutropenia, peripheral neuropathy, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, pyrexia, weight loss, stomatitis, abdominal pain, back ache, rashes


Depends on Indication:

Usually, Start with 50mg- PO-OD with meals and try to increase the dose up to 400mg-OD


If used with posaconazole or other CYP3A4 inhibitor, reduce dose from 400mg to 70mg.

For mild to moderate hepatic/ renal impairment, no dose adjustments are necessary.

Cytopenia is the most common side effect. Need to decrease the dose as per following protocol.

  • Dose at interruption 400 mg: Restart at 300 mg
  • Dose at interruption 300 mg: Restart at 200 mg
  • Dose at interruption 200 mg: Restart at 100 mg
  • Dose at interruption 100 mg: Restart at 50 mg
  • Dose at interruption 50 mg: Restart at 20 mg
  • Dose at interruption 20 mg: Restart at 10 mg

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Disclaimer: Information provided on this website is only for medical education purposes and not intended as medical advice. Although authors have made every effort to provide up-to-date information, the recommendations should not be considered standard of care. Responsibility for patient care resides with the doctors on the basis of their professional license, experience, and knowledge of the individual patient. For full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse effects, please refer to the approved product label. Neither the authors nor publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or adverse effects allegedly arising from any information or suggestion on this website. This website is written for use of healthcare professionals only; hence person other than healthcare workers is advised to refrain from reading the content of this website.