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Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
It is an acquired syndrome characterized by the intravascular activation of coagulation with loss of localization arising from different causes. It can originate from and cause severe damage to the microvasculature, which, if sufficiently severe can produce organ dysfunction
Obstetric complications (Release of tissue factor from damaged fetus/ placenta into circulation): Abruptioplacentae, septic abortion and chorioamnionitis, amniotic fluid embolism, intrauterine fetal death, degenerating hydatidiform moles and leiomyomas, postpartum hemolytic-uremic syndrome, tetracycline – induced hepatorenal failure, fetomaternal blood passage, saline and urea induced abortions, acute fatty liver of pregnancy
Infections (Endotoxins bind to monocytes via CD14 and bind to endothelial cells via toll like receptors. This leads NF kappa beta activation which results in increased expression of tissue factor and proinflammatory cytokines)
Acute leukemia especially acute promyelocytic leukemia
Intravascular hemolysis (transfusion of incompatible blood, drug induced, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, sickle cell anemia, fresh-water submersion)
Vascular disorders- Malformations- giant hemangioma (Kasabach-Merritt syndrome) aneurysms, coarctations of the aorta and other large vessels, Takayasuaortitis, large prosthetic arterial grafts, cyanotic congenital cardiac lesions
Collagen vascular disorders
Hypoxia and hypoperfusion- congestive failure with pulmonary emboli myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, various forms of shock, hypothermia.
Massive tissue injury- Large traumatic injuries and burns, extensive surgical intervention, extracorporeal circulation, fat embolism
Miscellaneous- Acute iron toxicity, head trauma, snakebite, anaphylaxis, heat stroke, allograft rejection, graft –versus-host disease, severe respiratory distress syndrome, diabetic acidosis, status epilepticus, acute pancreatitis, homozygous deficiency of protein C.
Ischemia of vulnerable organs leading to multi-organ dysfunction
Fragmentation of RBCs as they squeeze through the narrowed vasculature leading to microangiopathic haemolytic anemia
Consumption of coagulation factors and platelets leading to generalized bleeding tendency
Bleeding type:
Fibrinolysis is remarkable and dominant
Seen in APML, obstetric causes, aneurysms
Organ failure type
Hypercoagulation is remarkable and dominant
Seen in sepsis
Massive bleeding/ consumptive type
Both are remarkable and strong
Both are weak
Only abnormalities in lab tests are observed
Clinical Features:
Severity depends on underlying condition
Bleeding diathesis – mucosal oozing, GI bleed, bleeding from surgical incision and IV lines
Microangiopathichemolytic anemia
Reparatory symptoms like dyspnea and cyanosis due to ARDS
CNS-convulsions, focal lesions, bleeding and coma
Acute adrenal insufficiency due to adrenal bleed
Renal – Oliguria, and acute renal failure
Digital ischemia and gangrene
Acute liver failure
Cardiovascular- Shock, acidosis, MI
Hemolytic picture with plenty of schistocytes / fragmented RBCs
Platelet count-decreased (Measurement of “drop” in platelet count is more important than single time count)
Prothrombin time – prolonged
Activated partial thromboplastin time – prolonged
Thrombin time- prolonged
Fibrinogen concentration by Clauss method – decreased
Levels of fibrin degradation products (especially D-dimer) – elevated (Done by ELISA or latex agglutination method)
Levels of thrombin- Antithrombin complex and prothrombin fragment- 1.2- Elevated. It is the most sensitive test for ongoing activation of coagulation pathway.
S. Protein C and antithrombin levels- Decreased. It indicates severity of DIC.
S. Plasminogen and alpha 2 antiplasmin- Decreased
Levels of soluble fibrin monomers (SFM):
Reflects thrombin action on fibrinogen
It is generated only intravascularly, hence its levels are not influenced by local inflammation or trauma.
Factor 8 levels- Paradoxically increased, probably because of massive release of vWF.
Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity is unclear
Biphasic wave pattern with APTT.
Criteria for Diagnosis:
Diagnostic algorithm for the diagnosis of overt DIC
Does the patient have an underlying disorder known to be associated with DIC? (If yes, proceed; if no, do not use this algorithm)
Score < 5 suggestive (not affirmative) of non overt DIC; repeat tests in 1-2 days.
Differential Diagnosis:
Massive blood loss
Thrombotic microangiopathy
Heparin induced thrombocytopenia
Liver disease
Catastrophic APLA
Treatment Plan:
Vigorously treat underlying condition
Correct hypotension
Improve tissue perfusion
Correct acidosis
Treatment of hypoxia
If sepsis- Consider APC infusion
Consider replacement therapy along with heparin infusion in following cases
Major thromboembolism
Acute promyelocytic leukemia
Aneurysm (before surgery)
Amniotic fluid embolism
Septic abortion
Dead fetus
For rest of patients: Give only replacement therapy
Assess every 6-8hrs- clinically and laboratory tests- Give replacement therapy every 8 hrs
If above fails- consider adding heparin infusion.
About Each Modality of Treatment:
Replacement therapy:
Transfusions should not be instituted on the basis of laboratory tests alone
Indications for transfusions include
Active bleeding
Require invasive procedures
At risk of bleeding complications
Suggestion that transfusions “add fuel to the fire”, has never been proved in clinical/ experimental studies.
Components to be administered as replacement therapy include:
Platelet transfusion – To maintain platelet count more than 20 x 109/L (50 x 109/L if invasive procedures are planned)
FFP- 15ml/Kg- To maintain PT and APTT - <1.5 x Normal
Cryoprecipitates- 2bags- Aim should be to maintain fibrinogen of greater than 1 g/L
Packed RBCs- To maintain haemoglobin >9gm/dl
Heparin infusion
500-750 units / hour (Low dose unfractionated heparin)
Maintain APTT to 1.5 to 2.5 times the normal
Should be continued till underlying disease responds to the treatment
LMWH can be used in place of UFH- It should be given in prophylactic doses.
Efficiency of heparin therapy is monitored by
Serial platelet counts
FDP quantification
Fibrinogen levels
Heparin should not be used in DIC caused by
Placental abruption
Severe liver disease
Major trauma
Activated Protein C concentrates
Dose- 24microgm/Kg per hour as continuous infusion
Useful in sepsis induced DIC
Partially effect is due to anti-inflammatory effect
Some studies have shown that there is no use of APC
Important points to note
Never use antifibrinolytic agents, as it aggravates tissue ischemia and causes severe thrombosis
Exceptions to this include: APML, giant hemangioma, amniotic fluid embolism, metastatic prostatic carcinoma. They may be used if patient is profusely bleeding in spite of adequate replacement therapy.
Other Treatment Options:
Tissue factor inhibitors
Recombinant TFPI - Inhibits TF activity
Monoclonal antibodies- Inhibit TF activity ; binds to endotoxin
Inactivated factor VIIa
Rec Human soluble thrombomodulin
Synthetic protease inhibitors: Ex: Gabexatemesilate and nafamostat
Related Disorders:
Chronic form of DIC is seen with
Malignancy – Especially mucin secreting adenocarcinoma
Disclaimer: Information provided on this website is only for medical education purposes and not intended as medical advice. Although authors have made every effort to provide up-to-date information, the recommendations should not be considered standard of care. Responsibility for patient care resides with the doctors on the basis of their professional license, experience, and knowledge of the individual patient. For full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse effects, please refer to the approved product label. Neither the authors nor publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or adverse effects allegedly arising from any information or suggestion on this website. This website is written for use of healthcare professionals only; hence person other than healthcare workers is advised to refrain from reading the content of this website.