A user-friendly, frequently updated reference guide that aligns with international guidelines and protocols.
Hereditary Spherocytosis and Other Membrane Abnormalities
Classification of protein abnormalities in the erythrocyte membrane that result in vertical or horizontal interaction defects and cause hemolytic anemia
Secondary spectrin deficiency due to defects or deficiencies inProtein 4.2, Ankyrin and Band 3
Horizontal interaction defects (Produce elliptocytosis& other bizarre forms)
Protein 4.1
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Hereditary spherocytosis is an autosomal dominant condition, occurring due to defect in vertical interaction.
Highest prevalence is seen in north European population (1 in 2000 births)
Deficiency of spectrin, ankyrin, band 3, protein 4.2 etc.
Reduced membrane stability and spontaneous loss of cell membranedue to rapid vesciculation
Reduction of cell surface to volume ratio
RBC is forced to assume smallest possible diameter for a given volume i.e. sphere.
As spherocytes have reduced flexibility, they are trapped in splenic sinusoids
(Complete absence of spectrin is not viable, so homozygous children are not found)
Reticulocyte %
Spectrin molecules per RBC
Not required
Usually not required
Necessary during school age, before puberty
Necessary at early age (Delay until 6 years if possible)
Clinical Features:
Varying presentation- Asymptomatic to marked hemolysis leading to hydropsfetalis. Severity depends on extent of loss of spectrin. Severity is relatively uniform in a given family.
Anemia- usually 5-30 days after birth as functioning of spleen becomes mature only after birth. But diagnosis may be made at any age depending on severity.
Splenomegaly- mild to moderate
Gall stones
Acholuric jaundice- Jaundice with absence of bile in urine.
2 types of crisis may be seen in hereditary spherocytosis
Hyperhemolytic crisis
Triggered by infection
Presents with fever, abdominal pain, Jaundice, hypotension and shock
Aplastic crisis
Triggered by parvovirus, trauma, surgery, pregnancy
Presents as sudden worsening anemia
Skin lesions- Ulcerations, gouty tophi, chronic leg dermatitis, (related to decreased RBC deformability)
Extramedullary erythropoiesis- Masses may form in spine, kidney etc
Poor growth, deformities of hands and skull
Predisposition to malignancy- MPN, myeloma etc
Iron overload- May be seen even in untransfused patients due to associated HFE mutation
Angioid streaks in optic fundi
VTE and pulmonary hypertension
Rare non-hematological manifestations:
Neuromuscular abnormalities (as ankyrin and spectrin are expressed in neural tissues)-slowly progressive spinocerebellar degenerative disease, spinal cord dysfunction, movement disorders, cardiomyopathy
Distal renal tubular acidosis is seen with defects with band 3.
Hemoglobin content- Normal/decreased
High quality smears are needed as spherocytes may appear as artefacts
Spherocytes- Abnormally small in sized RBCs which have uniform shape and lack central 1/3rd of pallor
Polychromatophilic cells and nucleated RBCs may be seen.
Pincered erythrocytes are seen in Band 3 deficiency.
Spherocyticacanthocytes are seen in beta spectrin deficiency
Spherocytes and stomatocytes may be seen in Japanese protein 4.2 deficiency
WBC and platelets – Normal
MCV- Normal/decreased
MCH – Normal
MCHC – Increased (>36g/dL)- It is the only anemia where MCHC is increased. Laser based counters provide histograms with hyperdenseerythrocytes (MCHC >40) which detects all cases of HS. Hence it is a best screening tool.
RDW- <14%
HS ratio- MCHC/MCV- If more than 0.36, it indicates presence of HS.
Reticulocyte count- >8%
Osmotic fragility test
Increased fragility
Hemolysis is complete between 0.5-0.4% NaCl
Normal test does not rule out HS.
Osmotic gradient ektacytometry- Measures deformability of whole RBC
Serum bilirubin-Raised
Fecal urobilinogen- Raised
LDH – Raised
DCT and ICT- Negative
Parental blood testing for HS
Autohemolysis test
It has value in differentiating various types of congenital nonspherocytic hemolytic anemias
It measures the degree of spontaneous hemolysis of blood incubated at 37o C
Degree of hemolysis depends on integrity of cell membrane & adequacy of cell enzymes involved in glycolysis.
Normal – 0.2 – 2% hemolysis after 24- 48 hours.
Seen in
Type I
2-6% autohemolysis, but significant correction when glucose is added
PNH and G6PD deficiency
Type II
8-44% hemolysis& glucose has no effect
Pyruvate kinase deficiency
Type – III
5-25% hemolysis at 24 hours & 75% at 48 hrs
If glucose is added before incubation hemolysis is significantly reduced
Acidified glycerol lysis test
Glycerol slows down entry of water into cells in vitro.
The time taken for lysis to occur is a function of the osmotic resistance of the cells
Hereditoryspherocytosis cells lyses more rapidly than normal cells
Test is easier to perform than osmotic fragility test.
Sodium dodecylsulphatesolubilizedpolyacrylamide gel (SDS-PAGE) electrophoresis
Used to quantify proteins in the membrane of RBCs
This is the confirmatory test for HS.
Results are expressed as ratios of individual RBC membrane proteins to Band 3.
Flow cytometry:
Binding of eosin labeled maleimide (EMA binding test)
Cells deficient in band 3 fail to bind to EMA
Other conditions giving reduced fluorescence: South east asian ovalocytosis, Congenital dyserythropoietic anemia Type-II, Hereditary pyropoikilocytosis and Cryohydrocytosis
Identification of gene defects- Involves sequencing of relevant genes to identify mutations in them.
Transfuse PRBCs as and when required
Folic acid supplementation- Life long
Phototherapy +/- exchange transfusion for neonates presenting with severe jaundice
Restores the life-span of red cells to normal and hence cures hemolysis&hyperbilirubinemia.
Should be done after 5 years of age except in patients with severe anemia
Dehydrated hereditary stomatocytosis is a contraindication for splenectomy, hence this must be ruled out.
Marked hemolysis requiring multiple transfusions
Growth retardation/ skeletal changes
Anemia induced end organ damage
Development of leg ulcers
Appearance of extramedullary hematopoietic tumors
Laporoscopic is more feasible and safe.
Cholecystectomy may be performed at the same time, if there is cholelithiasis
Hereditary Elliptocytosis
(Hereditary Ovalocytosis)
Autosomal dominant condition
Gene affected is closely related to Rh locus on chromosome 1
Type of HE
Erythrocyte Shape
Common HE
Variable; minimal to severe
Spherocytic HE (hemolytic ovalocytosis)
Spherocytes and fat elliptocytes
Southeast Asian ovalocytosis (Stomatocytic HE Melanesian ovalocytosis)
Mild or absent
Roundish elliptocytes that are also stomatocytic- Oval cells with 1-2 longitudinal slits
RBCs fail to recover their biconcave shape after they acquire elliptical shape in microcirculation where they are subjected to shear stress.
Defect involves horizontal membrane protein interactions
Protein 4.1
Glycophorin C
Clinical features
90% do not have hemolysis
Asymptomatic HE patients may experience hemolysis in association with infections, hypersplenism, Vitamin B12 deficiency or microangiopathic disorders.
Some can have chronic hemolysis
Hemoglobin- Usually >12g/dL
Prominent elliptocytosis>25% RBCs & usually >60%(<25% are seen with megaloblastic anemia and iron deficiency anemia)
Pseudoelliptocytes (Artifacts during smear preparation)- They are seen only near the tail. Long axis of all pseudo elliptocytes are parallel.
Reticulocyte count – Mild elevation – >4%
In hemolytic hereditary elliptocytosis, lab findings due to hemolysis are seen
Osmotic fragility test- Abnormal only in severe HE
Splenectomy for hemolytic variant (Otherwise no treatment is needed)
Note: Elliptocytes are resistant to malarial infection due to abnormal rigidity of membrane
Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis
Autosomal recessive
Presents in infancy as severe hemolytic anemia with extreme poikilocytosis
Cells fragment when heated to 45o-46 o C (Normal – 50 o C)
They disintegrate when incubated at 37 o C for more than 6 hours.
Mutant spectrin- Prevents self association of heterodimers of spectrins
Disruption of membrane skeletal lattice & Membrane cell destabilization
Erythrocyte fragmentation &poikilocytosis
Peripheral smear: Morphologic abnormalities of RBCs- Budding, fragments, microspherocytes, elliptocytestriangulocytes.
MCV – Decreased (25-55fL)
Auto hemolysis- Increased and not corrected by glucose.
Hereditary Stomatocytosis
Autosomal dominant with defect in stomatin gene
Deficiency of band 7 protein (Abnormality in RBC lipids)
RBC membrane is abnormally permeable to both Na+ & K+
Net gain of sodium is greater than net loss of potassium
Over hydration of cells
Hydrocytes look like stomatocytes in dried a stained blood films
(Slit mouth like area of pallor)
Wet smear – Appear uniconcave& bowl shaped.
Usually asymptomatic, rarely cause hemolytic anemia
4 variants depending on intracellular sodium concentration (Normal- 5-10 mmol/l)
Disclaimer: Information provided on this website is only for medical education purposes and not intended as medical advice. Although authors have made every effort to provide up-to-date information, the recommendations should not be considered standard of care. Responsibility for patient care resides with the doctors on the basis of their professional license, experience, and knowledge of the individual patient. For full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and adverse effects, please refer to the approved product label. Neither the authors nor publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or adverse effects allegedly arising from any information or suggestion on this website. This website is written for use of healthcare professionals only; hence person other than healthcare workers is advised to refrain from reading the content of this website.